Yoga Poses or Postures

Yoga comprises of some simple and effective body movements, which strengthen one's back, tones the stomach muscles, and reallocate body weight. These body movements are known as asanas, or poses. The Asanas have evolved over centuries and work wonders in keeping the body healthy and the mind peaceful. If performed in a right manner, these Yoga poses or positions help to tone muscles, lubricate joints and massage the body. Not only this, the asanas also enhance body endurance and increase flexibility. These postures bring physical and mental stability, along with health and vigor; they exercise the nerves, glands, ligaments, and muscles.

To accomplish each yoga pose, you require willpower, perseverance and daily practice. There are numberless poses and postures in Yoga. But before trying and performing any posture, you should keep certain things in mind.

  • You should know your body limits. If your body does not allow a particular Yoga posture, then do not push your body for it. Otherwise, your may get hurt in the process.
  • The best thing to do is, learn from an experienced teacher. Or you can always refer to books learning Yoga poses or Yoga Asanas. Videos could be of great help.
  • By daily practicing, you will improve on the poses or positions of Yoga. It is not something that you will gain in the very first class.
  • Every yoga position has its own benefits, sometimes specific physical and mental benefits. According to your needs, you can practice a particular Yoga pose.
  • Before starting a Yoga session, it is important to do some basic stretches to warm-up and to avoid strain.
Yoga Postures
Sanskrit NameEnglish Translation
Adho Mukha SvanasanaDownward-Facing Dog
Adho Mukha VrksasanaHandstand (Downward-Facing Tree)
Ajali MudraSalutation Seal
Ardha ChandrasanaHalf Moon Posture
Ardha MatsyendrasanaHalf Spinal Twist
Baddha KonasanaBound Angle
BakasanaCrane Pose
Balasana or GarbhasanaChild's Pose
BharadvajasanaBharadvaja's Twist
BhujangasanaCobra Pose
ChakrasanaWheel Posture
Chaturanga DandasanaFour-Limbed Staff
DandasanaStaff pose
Eka Pada RajakapotasanaOne-Legged King Pigeon
GarudasanaEagle Posture
GomukhasanaCow Face
HanumanasanaMonkey (named after Lord Hanuman)
JanusirsasanaHead-to-Knee Forward Bend
KakasanaCrow Pose
KrauncasanaHeron Posture
KukkueasanaCockerel Pose
KurmasanaTortoise Pose
MakarasanaCrocodile Posture
MatsyasanaFish Posture
MatsyendrasanaLord of the Fishes
MayurusanaPeacock Pose
NatarajasanaLord of the Dance
PadahastasanaStanding Forward Bend
PadmasanaLotus Pose
ParipurnanavasanaFull Boat Posture
ParivrttaparsvakonasanaRevolved Side Angle
ParivrttatrikonasanaRevolved Triangle
PascimottanasanaSeated Forward Bend
PrasaritapadottanasanaIntense Spread Leg Stretch
Pavana Mukta-AsanaWind-releasing Posture
SalabhasanaLocust Posture
SarvangasanaShoulder Stand
Shavasana / MrtasanaCorpse Pose
SethubandasanaBridge, Half Wheel
Siddhasana / Muk-tasana /GuptasanaPerfect Pose
SimhasanaLion Posture
SirsasanaHead Stand
SukhasanaAuspicious Pose
SuptabaddhakonasanaReclining Bound Angle
SuptapadangusthasanaReclining Big Toe
SuptavirasanaReclining Hero
Surya-NamaskarSun Salutation
SvastikasanaProsperous Pose
Tadasana / SamasthitiMountain Pose
UpavistakonasanaOpen Angle
UrdhvadhanurasanaUpward Bow, Backbend, or Wheel
UrdhvamukhasvanasanaUpward-Facing Dog
UsthasanaCamel Pose
UttanakurmasanaUpside-Down Tortoise
UttanasanaStanding Forward Bend
UtthitahastapadangusthasanaRaised Hand to Big Toe
UtthitaparsvakonasanaExtended Side Angle
UtthitatrikonasanaExtended Triangle Posture
VasisthasanaSide Plank
VajrasanaThunderbolt Pose
Vriksha-AsanaTree Pose

Adho Mukha
Adho Mukha Svanasana is also called Downward Dog or Down Dog posture. The name comes from the Sanskrit words, adho which means downward, mukha which means face, svana which means dog and asana meaning pose.

Ardha Sarvangasana
Yoga is one of the oldest form physical disciplines in existence. There are numerous types of asana that are performed in Yoga, one of them being Ardha Sarvangasana. It is the Queen of all the asans.

Asanas at A glance
Yoga asanas bring wonderful health benefits. They let you feel the power of your body and the importance of keeping it healthy. When done in right way, Yoga is just fun and relaxing. You feel good, feel the blood surging through your veins, and the energy pulsating through your nerves.

Bhujangasana is one of the most important Yoga poses. It is also referred to as the 'Cobra Pose'. The asana concentrates on strengthening the back and arms, by stretching the spine.

Dog & Cat
Yoga is an ancient meditation art from India. Practiced since ages in the country, it aims to bring the perfect blend of spiritual intelligence and physical fitness in one's life. The art focuses on bringing one's soul and body together, to give him repose, peace and self-enlightenment.

Janu Shirshasana
The term Janu Shirshasana has been derived from the Sanskrit words 'Janu', meaning 'knee', and 'Shirash', meaning 'head'. As the name suggests, the asana focuses on the two body parts. As you perform Janu Shirshasana,

Savasana is the name used to describe the posture that is generally performed at the end of a yoga session. The main aim behind this asana is to provide relaxation to the body after a strenuous session and help it cool down.

The term Sethu Bandhasana has been derived from the words 'Sethu', whch means bridge, and 'Bandha', which means lock. It literally means 'constructing a bridge' and mainly comprises of building a sort-of 'bridge' with the body,

Sukhasana, also termed as the 'easy pose', is one of the simplest postures of yoga. For undertaking this posture, a person is required to sit cross-legged on the floor, in a certain position.

Tadasana, with 'tada' meaning 'mountain', is regarded as one of the most beneficial postures in yoga. Though it seems to be quite simple, a person has to undergo lots of practice to attain the perfect tadasana posture.

The term Trikonasana has been derived from the words 'trikona', which means triangle, and 'asana', which means posture. In other words, in the asana, your body is stretched in such a way that a triangle-like shape is formed.

The term Uttanasana has been derived from three words - 'Ut, which means 'intense', 'Tan, which means to stretch and extend, and 'asana', which means posture. In short, it is yoga posture that involves intense stretching of the body muscles.

The word Virabhadrasana is a conjunction of two words Virabhadra and Asana which literally means the posture of a warrior. Virbhadrasana, as the name suggests is very similar to the position that a warrior holds.