Yoga Poses to Enhance Your Sex Life
Bound Angle: While sitting on the floor or mat, place the hands on the ankles and put the bottom of the feet together. Allow the knees to drop towar…
You can't Enter The Door of YOGA Without Kindness and Compassion for Other
Bound Angle: While sitting on the floor or mat, place the hands on the ankles and put the bottom of the feet together. Allow the knees to drop towar…
PATANJALIS ASHTANG YOGA SADHANA YAMA (Social Discipline) NIYAMA (Individual Discipline) ASANA (Body Posture) PRANAYAMA (Control and Regulation …
Steps to follow : Lie down on the floor on your back with your legs together. Keep your hands on either side with palms facing the floor. Inhale a…
Steps to follow : Lie down on your back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor about hip width apart. Keep the arms down straight in line wit…
Steps to follow : Lie down on your back with your legs straight and your feet together. Place your hands, palms down, underneath your thighs. Press…
Steps to follow : Use a folded blanket or sticky mat to pad your head and forearms. Kneel on the floor. Lace your fingers together and set the forear…
Steps to follow : Lie down flat on the floor, on your back, palms by your side facing Exhale and lift your legs up 30, then 60, then 90 and then ar…
Steps to follow : Exhale and bend from the hip joints to slowly lower your toes to the floor above and beyond your head. As much as possible, keep …
Steps to follow : Stand with your feet slightly apart, eyes open. Different teachers have different ideas about the proper way to perform this ban…
Steps to follow Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front. Bend your right knee and bring the lower leg up into a cradle: The outer edge of …
Why are more people rediscovering the yogic position on sexuality? "Yoga helps you in creating a balance. Kundalini yoga helps you create bio-en…
According to Ayurveda, premature ejaculation is due to vata being aggravated. Vata is characterised by its qualities of quickness and heightened sen…
Yoga is a life philosophy, yoga is self-regulation,yoga is a way of life, yoga is the resolution of a diseasefree life and of a life of meditation. Y…
With the ever-increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases like cardio-vascular and nervous system disorders, the time has come for us to address this …
Ashtaang Yoga Dharma has stood the test for every spirituality, humanism and science. It is only Ashtaang Yoga Dharma that can prevent the bloody str…
During the various techniques of tantra yoga, the sexual energy is awakened and amplified to a great extent. It is important to preserve this energ…
Yogic exercises are very important for life. They include Yogasana, pranayam etc. Pranayam can cure several diseases but it is necessary to underst…
Joint pain is caused when acidic content in the body increases. This acidic content pollutes the blood. The polluted material gets stuck in the join…