There is also swelling in the joints. The disease spreads in all the body joints and the patient is unable to sit, walk, stand and do the daily routine activities. This disease is caused only due to blood impurities. The reasons for joint pain are same as those for respiratory problems. In this case the oxalic acid of acidic element is produced in higher quantity which leads to swelling in joints, pain and stiffness. This is the main reason for this disease.
- Take Triphala churna daily and clear the stomach. Take spoonful Triphala churna with lukewarm water at bedtime for smooth bowel movement. Put 100 gm each of magnesium salt and table salt
- in hot water in the bathing tub. Sleep in the bathtub for 30 minutes and massage the whole body and joints with a thick towel. Place a cold wet towel on the head until the patient is in the bath tub. Do not pour hot water on head. If the patient feels hot later then give bath with cold water and if the patient feels cold then give bath with hot water. Wipe the body with dry towel and go inside the room. Let the patient sleep for 30 to 60 minutes. Some joint exercises should be done before going to sleep in order to remove all the accumulations in joints. If bathtub is not available, then give sauna bath for ten minutes or put the feet in hot water for ten minutes.
- This should be followed by 30 minutes of sunbath and massage the body under sun with some ayurvedic medicinal oil. Alternately, pour coconut oil in a red coloured bottle and place it under sun for 20-25 days. This oil is effective in joint pain. When the body becomes hot under sun, then do some joint exercises. Excellent natural therapy facility is available at Yog Gram of Patanjali Yogpeeth.
Yogic cure:
- Yogic cure is also a natural therapy; the patient can practice Kunjal, Jalneti and Sutraneti and purify his body.
- The patient should begin the practice of Yogasana when the joint pain and swelling is relieved. Yogasana like Surya Namaskar, Katichakrasana, Vajrasana, Makarasana, and Pavanmuktasana should be practiced for special benefit.
- Yognidra should be practiced for 30 minutes daily. This will relax the body and give relief.
- Give three minutes hot fomentation followed by two minutes cold fomentation in case of pain and swelling in knees, wrist, elbow and shoulders. Massage the joints nicely and do some joint exercises.
- The disease should be controlled with dietary restrictions. The patient does not get sufficient health benefit unless proper diet is taken. The food should contain vitamin A and D in sufficient quantities, but avoid tomato, spinach vegetable or its juice because they contain oxalic acid.
- Take raw vegetable juice especially carrot, cucumber, round gourd, gourd, ginger and fruit juices like orange, sweet lime, apple, pomegranate, grapes etc. this will reduce joint pain, swelling and stiffness within few days.
- Use garlic and ginger in good quantities. Mix half spoon honey in spoonful garlic juice and take twice daily to overcome windy problem. Add it in cooked
- vegetables also.
- Many times, the disease gets aggravated with the practice of Yog because Yog removes the disease from the body; it does not just suppress the disease.
There is no need to get panicky. Reduce the treatment or stop it for two to three days. Follow the diet regularly.
Vaidya Shravan Kumar Tripathi
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar