Ashtaang Yoga Dharma has stood the test for every spirituality, humanism and science. It is only Ashtaang Yoga Dharma that can prevent the bloody struggle of this world. Ashtaang yoga beautifully inculcates right from the daily the conduct to meditation and trance (Samadhi) including the highest state of spirituality.
Every person of the world wants peace and happiness. All the nation of the world is unanimous in agreeing that there should be peace in the world. Every year one person who is dedicated to establish peace is awarded with Nobel Prize. However, everybody is confused in finding the way to establish peace.
Every person is meditating for this according to their r conscience but they could not find unanimous solution. Somebody says that when their will be only one particular religion on the whole earth then everybody will become happy. Some say that when everybody will come in the refuge of god there will be peace and pleasure in the world. In India there are numerous cults, sects and gurus who are of a opinion that peace and happiness is possible only by traversing on their indicated path. These sects and cults are not so generous, comprehensive, or complete that they can be encompassed by the entire humanity. Each and every of them have certain limitation.
There have been struggle and bloodshed to establish the supremacy of the so called religion but there has been no outcome. Discord has been increasing day by day. This means that the way people in the world are meditating has got significance but does not contain completeness, integrity and comprehensiveness. By following these prevalent cults, sects and so called religions a person feels some peace but by indulging in the so called philosophy a persons find him stuck in the false pretentions of superstition and malpractice and feels difficulty in emerging out of the situation. Is it possible to have rules, beliefs and dignity that could be followed by every person of the world? Which neither encroach upon the unity and integrity of any person or nation nor fulfils the personal interest of the person, which can be adopted by everybody and achieves full pleasure and peace and happiness in life? Such a path on which every person of the world can tread without any fear and enjoy peace, happiness and harmony.
This is the Ashtaang Yoga Path propagated by Maharishi Patanjali. This is not a religious cult or any sect but is a complete way of living. If the people of the world are really serious about establishing peace then the only way is Ashtaang Yoga Path propagated by Maharishi Patanjali. Through Ashtaang Yoga personal and social harmony is achieved, mental peace and soulful pleasure is felt. Ashtaang yoga stands perfect on all tests of religion, spirituality, humanity and science. Ashtaang yoga is the only way to prevent the bloody war in this world. Ashtaang yoga has incomparable unification of normal conduct of life as well as meditation and trance (Samadhi) and highest stage of spirituality.
The meaning of Yoga is self realisation (one‘s being). By developing ones internal powers one can visualise the ultimate absolute consciousness of the soul and splendid pleasure. In this Yogic process many Sumptuary-edict has been devised by the sages. Yoga develops our dead or inactive conscious state. Dead cells are regenerated and new cells are formed. Through subtle process of yoga our subtle nervous system is activated and therefore there is proper blood flow and new cells are generated and new powers are developed.
Yoga ensures regular and complete blood circulation and this is the principal of biology that contraction and relaxation increases the body power by which diseases are eliminated from the body. This process happens easily by Yoga asanas. By asanas and pranayaam the glands and muscles of the body are subjected to attraction and repulsion, contraction and relaxation and lax by which they become healthier.
By asanas and other yogic processes pancreas becomes active and produces proper quantity of insulin by which diabetes etc disease is treated. The health of the body is dependent on the health of digestive system.
The basic reason of all diseases is unhealthy digestive system. Even dangerous disease like heart ailments is also found due to be unhealthy digestive system. Yoga makes the digestive system completely healthy which ensures healthy light, and active body. One can get rid of dangerous ailments like heart diseases through yoga. Not only is this yoga is essential for physical and subtle body and even consciousness. Yoga achieves abstemiousness and inner consciousness, by practicing yam niyam (yogic rules regulation) and Ashtaang yoga and by eliminating the darkness of oblivion seer achieves the divine enlightenment, peaceful, state of enlightened self, graceful and enlightened soul and the ultimate.
We can achieve physical, mental and intellectual enlightment and achieve the perception of God and ultimate pleasure with the help of yoga. In the Indian philosophy yoga is a very important word. The dogma of Yoga has been elaborated extensively in our religious text right from self realisation and trance (Samadhi) to our behavioural fields. The propagator of Yoga philosophy Maharishi Patanjali has explained the meaning of yoga. be based on proof(pramana), or an opposite(viparyay), or an alternative(vikalpa), or forming sleep(nidra) or forming memory(smriti). When through these five operations the soul and the divine becomes one yoga is achieved. Yogeshwar Sri Krishna has used the word yoga in The Geeta for different meanings.
To create balance in situations which are conducive - non conducive, achievement – non achievement, success-failure, victory-defeat, that is Yoga. According to Jain saints yoga is the way by which perfection of soul and attainment of god is achieved.
There were much opposition from many quarters upon a slogan “health by yoga” for making a disease free and healthy society. There was a fatwa issued against yoga in Malaysia and it was tried to prove that yoga increases sexuality by mentioning some research in the University of British Columbia. Indian yoga makes the body healthy, restraint and cultured. And leads from affliction to penance. It is my belief.
According to recently published researches of Arthur Laurie Brotto of University of British Columbia, Michael Crichton of Southern California Centre of Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine and Pamela Jacobson of the healing Century in Tustin it is being advertised that the yoga of east increases the sexual power. Level of arousal increases in ladies as well as libido and sexual power increases in males. My thought on this subject is that Indian yoga is a process which leads the breadth to physical organs and balances flow of prana (air) along
with meditation. By this the internal and external body becomes beautiful, shapely and powerful. At the same time through meditation mind and brain becomes balanced and conscious. In the west people equate exercise with yoga. Exercise only increases body power.
To keep the balance the collection spiritual power is needed, which is not obtained through exercise. As a result the direction of physical power may be negative. By invoking desires and restrictions manpower can be directed towards destruction, whereas the very basis of Indian yoga is the development of spiritual power by yogic methods. Yoga restrains the mischievous actions of mind and brings in concentration, which increases the positive feelings and a person using the proper direction of work does positive work for nation and society by using its best capacity. Indian yoga has helped the nations of the world from treading the path of destructions.
My aim is to rise above religion and sect and make the whole human race healthy both mentally and physically so that the world may become unified in the Indian philosophy of “sarvebhavantu sukhina”