Yogic exercises are very important for life. They include Yogasana, pranayam etc. Pranayam can cure several diseases but it is necessary to understand pranayam before practicing it. Pranayam is made with the combination of two words, Prana + Ayam. Prana means life energy and Ayam means scope. Therefore, pranayam means the activity that increases the scope of life energy.
It has four stages:
- Poorak – filling in air
- Kumbhak – stopping air inside
- Rechak – throwing out air
- Bahya Kumbhak – stopping air outside
There are certain rules for practicing pranayam. If pranayam is being practiced to overcome any disease then the following precautions should be kept in mind otherwise it could be harmful.

- Air is extremely pure in morning time. Therefore, this time is recommended for practicing pranayam.
- Practice it on empty stomach. Drink glassful cold or lukewarm water depending on weather.
- Do not practice it when sunlight is bright. There are chances of getting Vayu, pitta or kapha doshas during this time.
- Wear loose clothes while practicing it.
- Sit on a woolen mat or cotton mattress and practice pranayam in some meditative pose.
- Keep the eyes and mouth closed while practicing pranayam. Breathe in and breathe out through nose.
- Increase the duration of Poorak, Rechak, and Bahya Kumbhak etc. gradually.
- Pranayam can be done in the evening also (sunset time).
- Pranayam should not be done in case of fever, loose motions, tuberculosis, chest pain, high blood pressure and extreme weakness.
- Finish daily chores before doing pranayam.
- Do not take solid food or cold water etc. till 30 minutes after practicing pranayam.
- Do not practice pranayam in case of swelling in stomach or kidney or wound, which moves those organs. Otherwise it could cause pain.
- Pranayam is beneficial for the health, but it should be practiced in open air instead of closed room. Practicing pranayam in closed room is not that beneficial as in open air. Oxygen is available in sufficient quantity outside. The benefits obtained from practice of pranayam and asana in open air increases as oxygen is obtained in more quantity. If Yogasana and pranayam are practiced in garden, near plants and greenery then the benefits increase to a great extent.
- Yog reduces weight. It increases internal strength and rejuvenates the body. Yog is a sure shot for obesity.
- Maintain regular daily routine while practicing Yog and do it with full faith.
- Brahmari and Nadishodhan reduce obesity. Simple Bhastrika and simple Kapalbhati improve metabolism and reduce fat, therefore overweight people should practice it.
- People suffering from over work and stress should practice Yognidra daily for ten minutes. It is the best remedy. It gives miraculous benefits if done before meals.
- Meditation practiced for 10 to 20 minutes daily helps in maintaining mental and emotional balance. Stress, disappointment and sadness increase weight.
- People experiencing disappointment or distress, and those habituated to overeating should follow the path of karma i.e., work.
- Obese people should develop the habit of eating nutritious food – chapatti made with whole wheat, seasonal fruits, vegetables, soups, salad etc. in sufficient quantity.
- Food should be chewed properly. Maintain fixed time for meals. There should be an interval of five to six hours between two meals.
- Do not take sweets, sugar, fat, spices, milk and milk products, products made with refined flour, fried food, cold drinks etc. in excess quantity.
- Practice the following asana along with the above mentioned precautions, Pavanmuktasana, Vajrasana, Paschimottasana, Vakrasana, Trikonasana, Bhujangasana, Tadasana, Dhanurasana, Naukasana and Surya Namaskara. Repeat each asana five to seven times but Trikonasana is the best asana out of all.
Yoga practice for women
- Yoga practice is necessary for women also Today, every woman requires Yog practice. A woman undergoes lot of physical and mental changes during her lifetime. Yog can prove very beneficial in overcoming the problems undergone during these changes. It also proves beneficial in providing good physical and mental health to the woman.
From childhood to adolescence
- Girls undergo mental and physical changes during adolescence. This period of sudden changes is ideal for beginning the practice of Yog and pranayam. Yog practice is like any other sport during childhood and the child does different types of asana knowingly and unknowingly. But, the child understands the meaning of Yog only when he grows up. Yog and pranayam prove beneficial in maintaining the strength of girls during menstrual cycle. During this age, asana should be practiced that strengthen emotional stability, control mood swings and regulate menstrual cycle. Yog proves even more beneficial during the growing up stage, as it strengthens the muscles and balances the hormones.
Yog practice and pregnancy
- Physical and mental health should be improved during and after pregnancy. Yog improves the health of the woman during this period and also helps in overcoming labor pain and post pregnancy related problems.
Benefits of Yog during pregnancy
- Yog can be adopted depending on the changing needs and abilities of the body. It strengthens the muscles of the uterus, supports the spine, and helps in tolerating the excess pressure of back.
- Yog makes the body capable of tolerating many physical problems arising during pregnancy.
- Yog practice after delivery increases oxygen consumption and thereby increases breast milk.
- Practicing light yogic exercises after one or two months of delivery strengthens all the fibers and increases breast milk.
Old age and menopause
- Yog practice is especially beneficial during old age and menopause. Many physical changes and mental problems are seen between the age of 45 and 55 years due to hormonal changes. The symptoms include – excessive perspiration, high blood pressure, chest related
- problems, headache, obesity and insomnia. The disease fighting capacity also reduces. The chances of infection in the body also increases, especially urine infection. During this age, problems like diabetes, bone degeneration, anger, stress, restlessness, lack of will power,
- lack of self-confidence and dissatisfaction arise in mind. Regular Yog practice helps in maintaining mental, physical and emotional health. Padottasana, Suptavajrasana, Paschimottasana are beneficial in controlling weight, maintaining hormonal balance during menopause.
Yog practice during old age
- Both men and women have to face lot of physical challenges between middle age and old age. This is true especially for women. The common problems are bone degeneration, poor metabolism, improper blood circulation and poor mental abilities. During this stage, Yog practice helps in controlling blood circulation and maintains the health of the nervous system, and thereby keeps the body healthy and fit. Yog controls both physical and mental health during this period.
Yog removes side effects
- Yog can overcome the problems faced by cancer patients after radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It improves the disease fighting capacity. Patients also improve their mental health. Central Council for Research Yog (New Delhi) has found in this study that Yog is indeed a blessing for human life.
Practice Yog as per physical capacity
- Yog practice is useful for the body but it should be done depending on one’s physical capacity. It has a good impact. Which asana should be practiced for how much time is best decided by a Yog teacher? Take the advice of a Yog teacher and follow the precautions before beginning the Yog practice.
Neti is also important
- Asana and pranayam are considered to be incomplete without netikriya. The objective of Yog is to establish physical and mental strength, which keeps the soul, mind and body healthy and cheerful. Yog is considered to be the basis of spiritual achievements. But, these achievements are obtained only through the body only. It is necessary to keep the body active and disease free. Purification is necessary and that too internal purification. Shatkarma plays an important role in this case. Patanjali Yogpeeth has excellent Shatkarma treatment facilities. Here patients are reaping health benefits and curing incurable diseases. People are bene fitting from natural cure at Yog Gram.