Shoulderstand, modified (ardha salamba sarvangasana)
Lie on your back with your arms by your side. Bend your knees and rock your legs up, bringing your knees to your forehead and placing your hands under your hips to support them. Keeping your elbows on the floor, hold for 8 to 10 breaths. Then slowly release your knees and roll gently back onto the floor. Learn this pose from a teacher before attempting it on your own. Then practice it once every other day.
Plow pose (halasana)
Begin in half shoulderstand (above). Now straighten your legs, extending them back out over your head, and rest your toes on the floor. Straighten your arms on the floor, palms down. Hold for 8 to 10 breaths, before bending your knees back to your forehead and lowering your body down onto the floor.